
WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

Here are WordPress interview questions and answers for freshers as well as experienced WordPress developer to get their job.

1) What is WordPress?

WordPress is an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It is free of cost, and you can use it for any personal and commercial website.

2) Is a website on WordPress safe and secure?
WordPress is safe and secure to operate, but it depends on how you maintain and secure your website. WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, and it is regularly updated to fix security vulnerabilities.

3) List some of the plugins that come with WordPress.
The following are the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, based on actual downloads from WordPress.org.

Yoast SEO
Wordfence Security
Contact Form 7
Google Analytics for WordPress
All in One SEO Pack

4) What is required to run WordPress?
WordPress has the following minimal requirements:

  • PHP version 7.2 or higher.
  • A MySQL version of 5.6 or higher OR a MariaDB version of 10.0 or higher
  • Support for HTTP.
  • Web server (Apache or Nginx)

5) What is the default prefix of WordPress tables?

The wp_ is by default prefixed with WordPress tables.

6) How many tables are there in WordPress by default?

At present version, there are about 12 tables in WordPress by default.


6) What is the difference between character 23 and x23?

Here, character 23 specifies the octal 23 and x23 determine the hex 23.

7) In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.

In WordPress, all objects are passed by the value.

8) How many types of users WordPress have?
WordPress user role determines access permission to the users of a WordPress site. However, the multisite WordPress installation needs a sixth user role and that is Super Admin.

Administrator: They have full rights over a site.
Editor: They deal with the content section of a website.
Author: They only deal with their posts. They can delete their post even after publishing.
Contributor: A contributor doesn’t have the right to publish their post or page. They need to send it to the administrator for review.
Subscriber: Users who are subscribed to your site can log in and update their profile.
Follower: They don’t have any right. They can only read and comment on your post.
Viewer: They can only read and comment on a post.

Super Admin:The Super Admin has access to all the administration features within a multi site networks.

9) What are meta-tags in WordPress?
Meta-tags are keyword and description used to display website or page information.

10) What is a custom field in WordPress?
The custom field is a meta-data that allows you to store addtional information related to a post or page.

11) What are the positive aspects of WordPress?
Few positive aspects of WordPress are:

  • Easy To Install And Setup
  • Cost Effective And Cheap
  • In-built SEO engine
  • Easy theme system
  • Flexibility
  • Different type of user roles for better user control
  • Multilingual- available in more than 70 languages
  • Own data- no unwanted advert on your website
  • 100% Customizable
  • Flexibility and Easy publishing option

12) What is WordPress Plugins?
WordPress plugins a small software application that extends the functionality and functions of a WordPress website.

Plugins play a major role in building websites using WordPress. They make it easier for users to add features and functions to their website without knowing a single line of code.

13) What is shortcodes in WordPress?
Shortcodes is a placeholders that allow users to add dynamic content or functionality to their posts or pages or widget by using a simple code. It is a small piece of code enclosed in square brackets. For example: [ gallery ] is a shortcode for displaying image galleries.

14) What are the hooks in WordPress?
WordPress hooks are functions that can be applied to an action or filter in WordPress.Hooks allow developers to change or extend WordPress functionality without directly editing core files. WordPress has two kinds of hooks:

  • Actions
  • Filters

15) Do you think WordPress is the best CMS or any other CMS is better than WordPress?
There is no doubt that WordPress is a good CMS, however Drupal and Joomla are among the best CMS you can work with.

16) Do de-activated plugins slow down a WordPress site?
No, de-activated plugins cannot slow down the WordPress site. WordPress only loads the active plugins and ignores everything else.

17) What are the rules that you have to follow for WordPress plugin development?

  • Create a unique name
  • Create the plugin’s folder
  • Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets
  • Create the main plug-in file and fill in the header information
  • Create activation and de-activation functions
  • Create an uninstall script
  • Create a readme.txt file
  • To detect paths to plugin file use proper constants and functions

18) Why does WordPress use MySQL?
MySQL is widely available database server and is extremely fast. It is an open source, and it is available at no cost also it is supported by many low-cost Linux hosts so its easy for anyone to host their website.

19) Explain the difference between WordPress Categories and Tags.
WordPress Categories
are broadly group post topics. It helps you to identify the topic of the blog post. A post must have at least one category.

Whenever a visitor arrives on your website, your category list can immediately convey the topics you cover on your website.

WordPress Tags are like categories, but they are used to describe a post in more detail. Tags can assign five or six tags depending on the content of the post.

20) How will you select a WordPress theme?
When selecting a WordPress theme, consider factors such as your website’s purpose, design preferences, responsiveness, and loading speed. Ensure the theme is compatible with the latest WordPress version, has good user reviews, and offers reliable support. Check for customization options and flexibility to meet your needs. Additionally, assess if the theme is SEO-friendly and consider your budget, whether opting for a free theme or investing in a premium one with advanced features.

21) What is the difference between custom themes and normal themes?
Custom themes are personalized and unique designs created to meet specific preferences or requirements. Normal themes, on the other hand, are pre-designed, generic options that come with software or platforms for users to apply with minimal customization.

22) What is the difference between free and paid WordPress theme?
Free WordPress themes are available at no cost, offering basic design and functionality. They are suitable for simple websites but may lack advanced features and support. Paid WordPress themes, requiring a purchase, provide enhanced features, customization options, and often come with dedicated support. They are suitable for users seeking a more professional and feature-rich website design.

23) What are WordPress Plugins?
WordPress plugins are software extensions that add extra features and functionalities to a WordPress website. These tools can be easily installed and activated, enhancing the site’s capabilities without the need for extensive coding. Plugins cover a wide range of purposes, from SEO optimization to e-commerce tools, providing users with the flexibility to customize and extend their WordPress sites.

24) What are WordPress Themes?
WordPress themes are design templates that determine the look and layout of a WordPress website. They control the visual presentation of content, providing a quick and customizable way for users to change the appearance of their sites without altering the content itself.

25) What are WordPress Parent Themes?
WordPress parent themes serve as a foundation for child themes, providing the basic design and functionality. Child themes inherit attributes from their parent, allowing users to make modifications without affecting the original theme. Parent themes provide a structured starting point for efficient and organized theme development.

26) What are WordPress Child Themes?
WordPress child themes are customized themes that inherit styles and functionalities from a parent theme. They allow users to make modifications without altering the original theme, facilitating personalized design and functionality. Child themes provide a structured and organized way to customize WordPress sites while preserving the integrity of the parent theme.

27) How will you select a WordPress theme?
When selecting a WordPress theme, consider factors such as your website’s purpose, design preferences, responsiveness, and loading speed. Ensure the theme is compatible with the latest WordPress version, has good user reviews, and offers reliable support. Check for customization options and flexibility to meet your needs. Additionally, assess if the theme is SEO-friendly and consider your budget, whether opting for a free theme or investing in a premium one with advanced features.

28) What is the difference between custom themes and normal themes?
Custom themes are personalized and unique designs created to meet specific preferences or requirements. Normal themes, on the other hand, are pre-designed, generic options that come with software or platforms for users to apply with minimal customization.

29) What is the difference between free and paid WordPress theme?
Free WordPress themes are available at no cost, offering basic design and functionality. They are suitable for simple websites but may lack advanced features and support. Paid WordPress themes, requiring a purchase, provide enhanced features, customization options, and often come with dedicated support. They are suitable for users seeking a more professional and feature-rich website design.

30) What are template tags in WordPress?
In WordPress, template tags are specific functions that developers use within the theme files to display or retrieve dynamic content and information from the WordPress database. These tags are embedded in the theme templates and are enclosed within PHP code. Template tags help structure and customize the output of various elements on a WordPress site.

31) Explain the difference between WordPress Themes and Plugins.
WordPress Themes control the look and layout of a site, focusing on visual presentation. Plugins add functionalities and features, extending the site’s capabilities beyond appearance. Themes handle design, while Plugins enhance functionality.

32) Explain Avatar and Gravatar in WordPress.
In WordPress, an “avatar” refers to a user’s profile picture displayed on the site, while “Gravatar” (Globally Recognized Avatar) is a service that associates avatars with email addresses, providing a consistent avatar across various websites linked to the same email.

33) How can you handle the situation if your WordPress site is hacked?

If your WordPress site is hacked, take the following steps:

Isolate the Site: Take the site offline or replace it with a maintenance page to prevent further damage.

Change Passwords: Change all passwords, including WordPress admin, FTP, and hosting account passwords.

Scan for Malware: Use security plugins or online scanners to identify and remove malware from your site.

Update Software: Update WordPress, themes, and plugins to the latest versions to patch vulnerabilities.

Restore from Backup: If available, restore your site from a clean backup taken before the hack.

Review User Accounts: Remove any unauthorized users and review user roles and permissions.

Check File Integrity: Verify the integrity of core files and compare them with a clean WordPress installation.

Secure Access Points: Secure access points by implementing two-factor authentication for WordPress and hosting accounts.

Monitor Activity Logs: Monitor activity logs to identify suspicious behavior and block malicious IP addresses.

Seek Professional Help: If needed, consult with a security professional or your hosting provider for assistance.

Implement Security Measures: Strengthen security with firewalls, security plugins, and regular security audits.

Inform Users: Notify users about the incident, especially if sensitive information may have been compromised.

Prevent Future Attacks: Regularly update and monitor your site, use strong passwords, and stay informed about security best practices.

34) What is difference between Post and Posts in WordPress?
“Post” in WordPress refers to a single piece of content, while “Posts” is the collective term for multiple individual pieces of content. “Post” is a singular item, and “Posts” is the category or section containing multiple posts on a WordPress site.

35 ) What is the function of esc_html() in WordPress?
The esc_html() function in WordPress is used to escape and sanitize text, preventing the execution of HTML entities and minimizing the risk of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
